New Algae Strains
According to natural-astaxanthin suppliers at SupplySide West, the industry’s struggles to meet rising demand with supply are long past....
Catch Of The Day
Omega-3 fatty acids from fish and other sources are fats with a uniquely diverse range of health fats-particularly eicosapentaenoic...
Re-Esterified Omega-3s May Offer Benefits for Dry Eyes
Re-esterified omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may offer significant improvements to several symptoms of dry eyes, according to new...
Is Zinc’s Day Finally Here?
Zinc often plays second fiddle to better-known minerals like calcium and magnesium, but in terms of its importance to the human body, it...
Enzymes Broaden Reach Beyond Digestive Health
Digestive enzyme sales are on a firmly upward trajectory. According to Euromonitor, the retail value of the digestive enzymes category in...
Sea Change
The omega-3 market has had its share of obstacles in recent years: sales slumps, some negative publicity, and reliance on variable fish...